February 13, 2021
I recently had someone ask me on my Instagram page @by.jessicamarie ‘How do you find your feet again after a hard time?’ and it got me thinking, we all have ups and downs sometime or another, and we could all probably benefit from this advice! So if you'r interested in knowing some of my tips for staying motivated, read on.
There’s 10 main things I like to remind myself when times are tough:
1. Everything is temporary, even right now.
2. Worrying, anger, complaining, denial or any other negative way of thinking and dealing with pain when things go wrong, will not change the situation, and will not benefit you in any way.
3. Happiness is a result of your approach and outlook of life, not a result of things that happen to you.
4. Practice gratitude, and remember the things that are going right for you, even the small things.
5. Remember that you do have people in your corner, reach out to them.
6. Think of what you care about most, and what you can let go of, and move forward.
7. Remember your resilience in other tough times, and how you got through it and grew as a person.
8. Ultimately you choose how to react to a situation, which determines the outcome.
9. Everyone goes through tough times in life, you are never alone.
10. Bad times do not define you, but how react and approach the situation does.
I’m a big believer in that having the right mindset can dramatically improve your life. Stay positive, dig deep and find the determination to get back up and keep going!
As a mum, if I ever feel like giving up, I just have to remember who is watching